Curious to explore this ancient form of Vedic astrology further?
Dr. Q explains what makes Nadi Astrology so profound in understanding the who, what and WHY of your life.

The reading was very in-depth looking at life as a whole from where I am now. There were also details that were specific to me and my situation that wouldn’t be readily available or at least difficult enough to find that no one would reasonably spend the time finding said info. I was actually blown away by something right at the end that related to past lives (which isn’t particularly meaningful to me), but what made this stand out is that what was said related to an experience I had about a year previously that only one other person would know about. Overall great experience.
– Wyatt Watson –

I highly recommend everyone make this commitment to yourself and your life and get this reading! The journey this will take you on is a beautiful and exciting one. You will not be disappointed, this gave me so much insight and knowledge about my life and tools to live the life I would love! Who doesn’t want that?! I will be telling everyone about this forever, such a blessing of an experience!
– Amanda Tunison –

Both my husband and I felt the calling to search for our palm leaves and started the process. The reading gave me confirmations of some of my biggest visions that I doubted I could fulfill. I will definitely follow my visions and intuitions. I’m so grateful for the poojas given in the poem, so I have a chance to remove blockages between family, my health and family’s health. My husband had his reading two weeks after me, and it was funny to compare our timelines and having the same happenings/events in our lives. I definitely recommend everyone search for their palm leaf.